Saturday, November 12, 2011

November Blessings Day 12

I'm thankful for the time I had with my Grandpa Halling. He taught me that life isn't about how much money or stuff you have, but rather the people you have around you. He lived each day with joy and a deep love for his family. There isn't anything he wouldn't have done for those he loved. Thank you Gpa for all the love, game playing and memories over the years. I miss you dearly.

Today, I finally got my act together and made stockings for Todd and myself. I've had these old shirts of my grandpa's that I had always planned to make into a stockings. They came out great and I'm so grateful to have this constant reminder of how much he loved his family and the holidays.

Check out the tutorial for making these super cute stockings from Fabric Worm.


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